How to make space in your life for creative making beyond the course sessions?
This question always pops up and it seems to be a common theme that people struggle to make time and space to practice and enjoy making at home outside of a structured course. I know this for myself too - it’s all too easy for other things to take priority.
The answer is simple - join my new online space for meeting and making - it starts mid October
By committing to a regular weekly time to sit down at your kitchen table/ work desk, with a whole group of others sitting in their own homes, you join a productive and supportive space which reserves a piece of time in the week for you and your creativity
This online creative studio space runs in 10 week blocks and you can choose between a morning or evening group I plan to continue to run as ongoing groups
Wednesday mornings 10am - 12.30 - starts 16th October Thursday evenings - 6.30 - 9pm - starts 17th October
If you can’t make your regular group you can join the other group for that week Cost is £48 for 10 weeks
As the nights draw in, make a cup of tea, get out your art materials and join a cosy group of fellow makers
The format is flexible so you can shape the space to fit your needs - Each session starts with everyone logging in at the start and saying hello, and then switching off their mics and getting making. There’s an invitation at the start to share our intentions for the session, and at the end an opportunity to share what you’ve been making, or struggling with, or whatever you want to contribute - including any areas of inspiration such as exhibitions you recommend etc. However, if you don’t feel like sharing that’s fine too
This is not a taught course so I won’t be offering any technical guidance or setting up themes. I will be holding a supportive and friendly space which brings an encouraging environment and fosters a sense of community, as well as joining in with the making I recommend that you place your laptop or PC further away than usual once you get started so you are there in the background. That way it truly feels like we are all sharing a spacious studio place together. You can come and go from your desk, get yourself a snack when you want, and even arrive late or leave early when needed
There will be an opportunity to be part of a shared sketchbook project with others from the group. This works by each person starting a sketchbook with a theme. Once you’ve started your sketchbook you send it onto the next person in the group, and at the same time receive a new sketchbook with it’s own theme from someone else. That way all the books go around the group with a unique theme for each book. Everyone agrees on the same timing to pass the next book on - usually a month
When all my classes went online during the covid lockdown, like many people, I was surprised to discover many advantages to being in a group online such as creating from the comfort and convenience of you own home, finding inspiration in the things around you, and participating in group discussions as much or as little as you want
Build a creative space in your home and in your life